Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
Government of Pakistan Announced BISP Monthly Payment 2024

Government of Pakistan – Benazir Income Support Program

BISP Monthly Payment is releasing an assistance amount of 9000 rupees for 2024. From this Monday, the Benazir Income Support Program will pay an amount of 9000 rupees to each person under the Benazir Program for 2024. 7.7 million families will receive 55 billion in the first quarter installment.

Shazia Murray has announced this news that no person shall deduct the amount released by the Benazir Income Support Program, and action will be taken against any person who receives money from Benazir Income Support Program beneficiaries. 

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کی جانب سے مستحق افراد کے لیے چار سو ارب کی خطیر رقم جاری کی گئی ہے۔ تاکہ تمام افراد جنہوں نے اس سال اپلائی کیا ہے۔ ان کو بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے تحت رقم جاری کی جائے۔ بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کی جانب سے مستحق افراد کے لیے امداد جاری کی جا رہی ہے  

BISP Registration

BISP Monthly Payment All people should register their complaints by calling the complaint number issued by Benazir Income Support Program. And immediate action will be taken against him. You can also register your complaints by going to the nearest Benazir Income Support Program office. 

BISP messages will come through the 8171 portal only. Apart from this, there is no other Benazir Income Support Program code. All other incoming codes and SMS fall under the category of fraud.

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کی جانب سے ہیلپ لائن نمبر جاری کر دیا گیا ہے۔ تاکہ تمام افراد اپنی شکایات درج کر سکیں۔ شکایات درج کرانے کے لیے 0800264777  نمبر جاری کیا گیا ہے۔

BISP 8171

BISP Monthly Payment An amount of 45 thousand rupees has been released under the Benazir Income Support Program by the Government of Pakistan. You, too can complete the registration at the nearest Income Support Program office to get your money soon. 

After completing the registration you will SMS 8171 to check your eligibility criteria. You will then be advised of your eligibility. Whether or not you are qualified for this program. So you can go to the village center and collect the money. 

The process of withdrawal is very easy. The government of Pakistan has released a serious amount of 400 billion rupees so that all people can be assured of payment of the installment after registration as soon as possible. agriculture Punjab

BISP Tehsil Office

BISP Monthly Payment There are more than 600 BISP Monthly Payment offices across the country in every tehsil to serve the people. You can also complete your registration by going to your nearest. The registration procedure has been kept very simple. So that all persons’ registration can be completed as soon as possible. And they can be assured of payment. 

You can also register at the nearest Benazir Income Support Program office and complete the registration process. After completing the registration process, you can collect your installment from your nearest cash center. 

You can submit your complaints to the Benazir Program office. If your application, request, or complaint is not processed there, you can also submit them on the helpline issued by the Benazir Income Support Program.

Government of Pakistan Announced BISP Monthly Payment 2024

The BISP has started getting money.

The BISP program is the money started getting which money was stopped some time ago so now the money has started getting from the BISP side so the families who were involved in this assistance so now they can easily go and withdraw their money and if they face any problem in getting the money then you can get this assistance in your nearest bank or any bank account.

BISP 8171 Online Registration 2024

Registration for BISP Monthly Payment has started. Please complete your registration as soon as possible. The recipients of the Benazir Income Support Program will get an installment of 35,000 rupees. Make sure to register at the Benazir Income Support Program office to get your installment. 

The new announcement from the government will issue an installment of 35 thousand rupees to all individuals. All those who are receiving the first installment under the program. They are being issued a new installment of 35 thousand rupees. So that they can be financially supported.

BISP Registration Check By CNIC

CNIC allows users to verify their enrollment for the Benazir Income Support Program. To check registration through CNIC you have to enter your ID card number 8171. Following that, you will be informed. following which you will do regardless of whether you qualify for this program.. So make sure you receive installments of 17 thousand under the Benazir program. 

You can get their money through their ID card by going to the BISP center to get installments. The withdrawal process has been kept very simple. So that all people can benefit from this program. The government has increased the number of beneficiaries for this program. The number of eligible characters has increased from 7 million to 1 crore.


BISP Monthly Payment has released an amount of 400 billion for deserving people. So all the persons who have applied this year. They should be released money under the Benazir Income Support Program.

Benazir Income Support Program is providing assistance to deserving people. 15 thousand rupees to the widow. It gives five thousand rupees for the maintenance of an orphan child. 37 thousand rupees to senior citizens. 25 thousand under the dowry fund. 

Wheelchairs for the disabled. And 10 thousand rupees per month and 8 thousand rupees per month are being released. The registration process for the Benazir Income Support Program is very easy. You should also visit the Benazir Income Support Program office for your registration.


How do I withdraw money from BISP?

You can get your money easily after doing thumb verification through an ID card. The process of receiving money is very human so all people can get their money quickly.

What is the new payment mechanism for BISP?

It has been announced by Shazia Murray that, now you can open your bank account in any bank. And can get your money through your preferred bank.

What is the amount of the Benazir Income Support Program?

An amount of 3,000 is being released every month to the Benazir Income Support Program, apart from this, an amount of 8500 is being released under the Benazir Kafalat Program, and a different amount is being issued to each person.

BISP Helpline Number?

The helpline number has been released by Benazir Income Support Program. So that all people can register their complaints. Number 0800264777 has been issued for filing complaints.