Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
Ehsaas Program New Payment 8500,12500, 6000 2024

Ehsaas Program New is a program launched by the Government of Pakistan to reduce poverty and provide financial security to poor people. So far, more than 7 million families have benefited from this program. This program is for poor families whose poverty score is less than 40%.

Apart from this, the program includes many new schemes aimed at eradicating poverty in Pakistan, alleviating poverty, and meeting the needs of Bread, Clothing, Health, and Housing. If you belong to a poor family and want to register yourself, register now. The complete procedure from registration to receiving money will be explained to you in detail.

Sehat Sahulat Program 8500 

The Ehsaas Health Sahulat Program was launched in 2024. Registrations for the Ehsaas Sehat Program launched by the Government of Pakistan have been resumed. The Program aims to provide free treatment to near-poor families who cannot afford it. Moreover, treating any dangerous disease requires a lot of financial resources.

These treatments have been made very easy for poor families through the Ehsaas Sahulat Program. If you belong to a poor family and Ehsaas If you want to register yourself in the health facility program, all the methods have been explained to you. Register yourself in the Ehsaas Sahat Sahulat Program and get all treatments free through a Sahat Card.

After the patient is admitted to the hospital, all expenses will be recovered from the Sehat Sahulat program.

Sehat Sahulat Program Online Registration

Ehsaas Sehat Sahulat Program is for these poor families. For those poor families whose poverty score is less than 40% and who cannot get their treatment, Gram has been launched at Ehsaas Health facility so that they can get their disease treated free of cost. Suppose there is a dangerous disease that requires a lot of financial resources to treat. In that case, the government of Pakistan has started the Ehsaas Sehat Sahulat Program, through which you can get your treatment quickly and free of charge.

For Ehsaas Sehat Sahulat card registration, you have to go to the Ehsaas Sehat Sahulatbweb portal. Enter your ID card number in the Sehat Sahulat, and after entering the code, click on the sub-minute button.

Ehsaas Sehat Card Helpline

In case of any problems in the Ehsaas Sahet Facilitation Program or any complaint of the hospital staff, you can get help from the Ehsaas Saheth Card Helpline.

Phone:  0800-09009.

Email:  [email protected]

Office Address:  Office No. 407, 4th Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex, Agha Khan Rd, F-5/1, Islamabad

Ehsaas Waseela-e-Taleem Program 6000

Education is a jewel that is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman. The Government of Pakistan started the Ehsaas Education Program for poor families so that students from poor families can get a good education and training and play their role in bettering Pakistan. 

It has been announced to give new scholarships of up to 6000 in the Ehsaas Wasala Wasila Education Program. If you are worried because of the problems, then there is no need to worry; get your registration now and improve the education system. Through this program, 3000 per student is given monthly, but in the first installment of 2024, 6000 will be given because last year, Ehsaas Wasila Education Program was stopped, but now you can get 6000 scholarships for two months. The Ehsaas Wasila Education Program aims to popularize education for poor people.

For More Information: Online Eligibility Check for New Sehat Card 

Ehsaas Program 12000 Online Registration

Online registration of 12 thousand rupees has been started from the program. This money has already been given to poor families who are registered in the program. 12000 has been announced again in February 2024 for poor families whose poverty score is less than 40%. The purpose of this amount is to eradicate poverty and reduce the financial problems of poor people. We will tell you how to register in Ehsaas 12000 and the complete guide to get money.

Ehsaas Program 12000 Latest Update

Program 12000 aims to provide relief to poor people to reduce the mountain of inflation. All the poor families who are registered in the program or are eligible to be registered in the program will be given 12 thousand rupees per month. The purpose of this money is to meet inflation so that poor people can manage their food and drink at home.

You Can Also Read It: Sehat Card Check Online New Updated

Eligibility in Ehsaas Program 12000

There are eligible people in the Ehsaas 12000 program. In the Ehsaas 12000 program, the following resources are mandatory for eligible people:

  • Those whose poverty score is less than 40%
  • People whose land is less than two acres.
  • People who have never traveled abroad
  • A widow
  • Women who are the head of their household

It should be noted that only Program-eligible candidates are eligible to take the Program amount of 12,000.


Ehsaas aims to help poor people and eradicate poverty. To improve them financially is to protect Health, Bread, Cloth, and House. If you also belong to a poor family, register now in the program and improve your financial resources. This program of the Government of Pakistan is no less than a blessing for the poor people.