Mon. Feb 24th, 2025
Rubina Khalid Announced Mobile Phone Distribution Through BISP For All Registered People

Rubina Khalid Announced Mobile Phone: It has been announced by Rubina Khalid that the people who work in the BISP program will now be provided with mobile phones for their convenience. If you work in the programs released by Rubina Khalid, then we are telling you the good news that you will be provided with a mobile phone. This mobile will be given to all the workers working in the BISP. 

If you provide money through the programs of BISP, then let us tell you that you have been announced to provide mobile phones by BISP chairperson Rubina Khalid. If you are not registered then you should register yourself. The purpose of this project of Rubina Khalid is to facilitate the people working in the BISP program.

Rubina Khalid New Program Announced

Government of Punjab, Government of Pakistan, the purpose of starting it is to provide facilities to the poor people, so this is a new program of Rubina Khalid. Which is proving to be very good for the poor people. Because many poor people in Pakistan do not have mobile phone facilities. In this era, it is very important to have a mobile phone so that news can reach people in happiness and sadness.

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The poor who are receiving BSP money. They do not have mobile phones. It has been decided by Rubina Khalid that now mobile phones will also be provided to these people. If you want to get a mobile phone, complete your registration process as soon as possible so that mobile phones are provided to you as well.

Purpose of Announced Mobile Phone

Maryam Rubina Khalid’s purpose in giving a mobile phone is to provide convenience to the poor people of Pakistan. Because the mobile phone is the convenience of this age and is very necessary. Many people are in dire need of a mobile phone so they cannot get their mobile phone.

بی آئی ایس پی کی چیئرپرسن روبینہ خالد کی جانب سے آپ کو موبائل فون فراہم کرنے کا اعلان کیا گیا ہے ۔ روبینہ خالد کے اس پروجیکٹ کا مقصد بی آئی ایس پی پروگرام میں کام کرنے والے لوگوں کو سہولت فراہم کرنا ہے۔ بی آئی ایس پی کے جاری کردہ اس پروگرام میں مرد عورت دونوں کو روبینہ خالد کی طرف سے موبائل فون فراہم کیے جائیں گے۔

Because the poor people in Pakistan have become victims of poverty to such an extent that they cannot even buy mobile phones for their convenience, Khalid has announced that mobile phones will be provided to them. Rubina Khalid Announced Mobile Phone

Eligibility Criteria 

Rubina Khalid has announced that mobile phones will be provided to those people who work on behalf of the BISP program i.e. provide money to poor people. If they want to be eligible then their eligibility criteria should be below,

Rubina Khalid Announced Mobile Phone Distribution Through BISP For All Registered People
  • Those who work in the field of BISP program
  • People who have done the NSER survey
  • Those who were previously part of the PISP program

People who fulfill this eligibility criteria can get a mobile phone from BISP Rubina Khalid’s latest program.

What Should You Do for Registration?

If you want to get a mobile phone issued by BISP, then let us tell you that before getting this mobile phone, you have to keep this in mind. Mobile phones issued by BISP will be given to these people. who will be registered in advance.

You can also read: NSER Office List For Registration In BISP

People who work in the BISP program and also provide money to people. These people will be given mobile phones. New people cannot get mobile phones, these mobile phones will be given to people who are already registered.

Important Documents

If you want to register then you have to submit these documents before registration

  • Your CNIC Number
  • Poverty Certificate
  • Income certificate
  • BISP Registration Certificate

After submitting all these documents, you will be told whether you can get a mobile phone in the future or not.


Let us tell you that this decision of Rubina Khalid can prove to be a very good result for the poor people because providing mobile phones can provide convenience to the poor people, that is, if they have any problem, they can sit at home and take care of themselves. Relatives can communicate with friends in Basani.

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Because at this time, in times of happiness or sadness, the poor people do not have mobile phones, so it becomes very difficult to contact them, which causes great difficulty for the poor people.

Therefore, for their convenience, the government of Pakistan has announced the distribution of mobile phones and in the coming days, the distribution of mobile phones will be announced as soon as possible.


Who announced that mobile phones will be provided to BISP workers?

Rubina Khalid announced the provision of mobile phones to BISP workers.

What is the purpose of providing mobile phones according to Rubina Khalid?

The purpose is to facilitate poor people by providing them with a mobile phone for communication and convenience.

What documents are required for registration to receive a mobile phone?

The required documents are CNIC Number, Poverty Certificate, Income Certificate, and BISP Registration Certificate.

Who is eligible to receive a mobile phone from BISP?

Eligibility is for those who work in the BISP program, have done the NSER survey, or were previously part of the PISP program.

Can new people who are not yet registered receive a mobile phone?

No, only those who are already registered in the BISP program will receive the mobile phones.